The Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) is a specialized court that handles disputes related to debt recovery. Filing a case before the DRT can be a complex process that requires legal expertise. This article will discuss the process for filing before the DRT, the role of DRT advocates, and the legal remedies available in Chennai through the Rajendra DRT Law Firm.

Process For Filing Before DRT: Advocates Role and Legal Remedies


Process for Filing Before DRT

The process for filing before the DRT can be divided into the following steps:

1. Filing a Petition

The first step in filing before the DRT is to file a petition. The petition should contain details of the debt, the debtor, and the creditor. The petition should also contain supporting documents such as loan agreements, mortgage deeds, and other relevant documents.

2. Serving Notice

Once the petition is filed, the DRT will issue a notice to the debtor. The notice will inform the debtor about the petition and the date of the hearing. The notice will also provide the debtor with an opportunity to respond to the petition.

3. Filing a Written Statement

If the debtor decides to contest the petition, they must file a written statement with the DRT. The written statement should contain the debtor's defense to the claim.

4. Pre-Trial Proceedings

Before the trial begins, there may be pre-trial proceedings such as the framing of issues, discovery, and inspection of documents.

5. Trial

The trial before the DRT will be similar to a regular civil trial. Both parties will present their evidence and arguments before the tribunal.

6. Judgment

After the trial, the DRT will issue a judgment. The judgment will contain the decision of the tribunal and the order of the tribunal. The judgment may order the debtor to pay the debt or may provide other remedies such as attachment of property or garnishment of wages.

DRT Advocates Role in Filing Before DRT

DRT advocates are legal professionals who specialize in disputes related to debt recovery. They can represent both creditors and debtors in disputes before the DRT. DRT advocates can help clients with the following:

  • Assisting in filing petitions
  • Representing clients in legal proceedings
  • Providing legal advice on DRT cases
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Enforcing court orders

Legal Remedies in Chennai through Rajendra DRT Law Firm

Rajendra DRT Law Firm is a legal firm in Chennai that specializes in DRT cases. They provide legal remedies to parties involved in debt recovery disputes. Some of the legal remedies available through Rajendra DRT Law Firm are:

1. Filing Petitions

Rajendra DRT Law Firm can assist clients in filing petitions before the DRT. They can help clients draft petitions that contain all the necessary information and supporting documents. They can also advise clients on the best course of action to take.

2. Representing Clients in Legal Proceedings

Rajendra DRT Law Firm can represent clients in legal proceedings before the DRT. They can prepare written statements, present evidence and arguments before the tribunal, and cross-examine witnesses.

3. Providing Legal Advice on DRT Cases

Rajendra DRT Law Firm can provide legal advice on DRT cases. They can advise clients on the legal remedies available to them, the strengths and weaknesses of their case, and the potential outcomes of the case.

4. Negotiating Settlements

Rajendra DRT Law Firm can negotiate settlements on behalf of their clients. They can work with the opposing party to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that avoids the need for a trial.

5. Enforcing Court Orders

Rajendra DRT Law Firm can assist clients in enforcing court orders. They can help clients collect the debt owed to them by the debtor through measures such as attachment of property or garnishment of wages.

"Filing a case before the DRT can be a complex process that requires legal expertise. Our team of experienced DRT advocates can assist clients in every step of the process, from filing the petition to enforcing court orders. We are committed to helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome in their case," said Mr. Rajendra, the founder of Rajendra DRT Law Firm.


Filing a case before the DRT can be a daunting task, but with the assistance of a DRT advocate, it can be a smooth process. The Rajendra DRT Law Firm in Chennai provides legal remedies to parties involved in debt recovery disputes. They can assist clients in every step of the process and help them achieve the best possible outcome in their case.

Other Information: Auctions Disputes: DRT Advocates Role and Legal Remedies